
A4A Blog Carnival | Day 2 These are a few of my favourite things

Far North Snapper

I am participating in wegohealth.com’s Advocating for Another (A4A) Carnival – Parenting Edition.  This is a month long event where health and parenting advocates write, share and enjoy!  The FB page can be found here for more info + grab the parenting prompts here and join in!  The blog carnival runs from August 21-28, 2012.

 Day 2: These are a few of my favourite things

After yesterdays gushing post about my son, he knocked one out of the park with more of the epic bad behaviour we have been seeing since returning home from our trip.   Needless to say he has be banned from TV watching for 3 days and banned from Ninjago toys for the same period.  He got off pretty lightly I think.  I am really struggling with his sassy mouth and the constant back chat.  What I wouldn’t give for a few simple responses of “YES!”.

But I digress.

I have many favourite things about Ethan, here are a few;

  1. Ethan is brave.  He will try anything once, sometimes not twice but always once.
  2. He will eat anything, he has an exceptional palate and enjoys food which makes eating as a family so much fun
  3. He is very loving {when he is not being bad of course!}
  4. Ethan is super complimentary.  He has learned this from his Dad.  He will tell me when I look nice, when my hair is looking awesome, when I need to buy that outfit – his honesty when shopping is def appreciated!  His girlfriend will be stoked one day.  He certainly knows how to make you feel like a million bucks.
  5. Ethan’s perfectionism is actually something that endears him to me.  I appreciate someone who always strives to achieve at their best.
  6. I love Ethan’s legs.  They are thick and strong.
  7. Ethan has the best giggle.  When it bubbles up it is loud and hard to contain.
  8. I love this boys smarts.  Recently while walking the Santa Monica Pier, I had to stop my feet and just look at him.  He was going on and on about snakes, admittedly I had half-tuned him out {don’t judge, you know you do it sometimes!}, but then I realised he was listing all of the different types of Pythons, WITH DESCRIPTIONS, Bubba style.  Amaze.
  9. Ethan’s feet, I LOVE, though 99% of the time they are filthy and torn up – my kid does not like shoes.  Summer, winter the shoes come off as soon as he gets to school.  I’m talking 8.30am.  They never get put back on.  One pair of school shoes has lasted him this whole year!  That’s surely some kind of record.  Even Grandaddy Ray in Georgia (think snakes) couldn’t believe how feral Ethan’s feet were.
  10. I love that boys hair.  It’s as wiry as straw, you can brush it and five minutes later it will look like he just rolled out of bed.  I’m fairly certain you could make one of those sweeping-broom-brush things out of his hair that would last through the ages.  It’s thick and it grows like weed – long may that continue aye Dave!

Are you blogging along?  What are some of your favourite things about your child?

Far North Snapper

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  1. Aug 26, 2012 5:37 am
