
7 Days


7 Days Seven days = 168 hours.

I figure I spent about 42 of those hours sleeping and 100 hours cleaning the juicer so that leaves 26 hours I am unable to account for!  WTH.

What do I do with myself all day?  

This week has just whizzed by in a blur.  There were many highlights such as;

  • Discovering Nixon discovering the bastard dogs favourite way to torment me {this happened as we were about to leave the house to go grocery shopping >>>> praise be for Countdown, I have SO much time for online shopping, oh look, that’s another 30min accounted for!}.  In non-Melissa speak this means that Dash shit on the carpet and Nixon had a great time massaging his toys with it FML.
  • Discovering Nixon had discovered a full Damp Rid pot in an open cupboard {this happened as we were about to leave the house for the first time in 4 days – it was VERY sunny & lovely…through the windows as I washed, floors, toys and books, couches and shoes}
  • Discovering E has discovered how babies are made (about time, maybe this year we won’t have to wrap presents from Santa?) and is worrying about his future participation in said method {insert wine here}
  • Discovering my husband is awesome even in the face of being fully let down by a friend, BOO
  • Discovering that listening to a tradie-mates views on Mums wearing workout tights 24-7 when they never, ever work out is just about the funniest thing ever!
  • Discovering that TV on the internet is just about the best thing since sliced bread, holla at your girl LIGHTBOX! (Try it free for 30 days yo welcome)
  • Discovering that resigning from one job actually just gives you extra time to do more of all the other stuff ergo LESS time then before, I can’t figure this out HALP!



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  1. Sep 5, 2014 10:59 pm

    When you work it out please let me know! Laughed at all the discoveries…with you, not at you… Oh life…a thing of crappy and happy delights, isn't it?! Hope you have a great weekend xx

  2. Sep 6, 2014 9:09 am

    Oh we're loving House of Cards season 2 right now too! Although in a rather wine induced state last night (forgot to eat dinner before school quiz night oops) I insisted that it was called "Game of Cards"!!