
Autumn Sun


Today was one of those days where you want to get your washing on the line as early as possible because you just know it’s going to dry so fast (at least you do if you live in New Zealand!), it was a stunning sunny, hot autumn day – NO humidity.  After Ethan and I walked home from kindy we packed a picnic, a bug catcher, soccer ball and our towels and headed down to the beach.

We ate lunch and kicked the ball around in the park for a couple of hours and then went for a swim when we were good and hot.  The water was so warm still, there was fun little waves for Ethan, who taught himself how to bodysurf.  He has been such a good boy this week.  We bought him a new wall chart in the weekend with numbers to 100 and he can read them and and cycle though perfectly.  I am so proud of him.  He had a sweet swimming lesson yesterday, his freestyle stroke is looking so strong, his shoulders are actually rolling out of the water now and he is fast.  It is amazing watching him learn all of these different things and excel at each of them.  No Louie today, he has gone to the farm to burn off some fat with Mollie and Marley, he should be suitably tired tomorrow when I pick him up!

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