First day back and school and 45kms done – another 15 to go before we get home {I’m typing this at my own personal nightmare location – the pool, that’s another blog post}. Monday’s are a wee bit chaos-flavored as I drive in circles to get E to swimming right after school. Monday is our ‘be prepared’ day. Afternoon tea and swimming gear must be packed and taken with us when we leave the house in the morning, homework is done in the truck while we wait for the lesson to begin, and dinner must be at least at concept stage so we aren’t kicking off the week with an emergency fish ‘n chip run!
I had high hopes for this morning which were quickly dashed with 2 swipes of the snooze alarm. I want desperately to be out of bed at 6am and reclaim an hour back into my day. The things I have planned for that hour! Blogging, bed making, laundry folding….. it sounds riveting doesn’t it? Problem is I have managed to get up at 6am exactly ONE TIME THIS WHOLE YEAR. I am a snoozer, a sleeper, a very grumpy morning person who likes to get out of bed on her own terms.
I am a morning failure. Tomorrow, however is another day.