
Book Review – Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Rotorua Travel Blog Family

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Rotorua Travel Blog Family

This book took me a  l o n g  time to finish, not because it isn’t good.  It’s good.  Pretty excellent actually.  I just got really caught up in doing anything but relaxing, and reading for me is my number one way to switch off, destress and relax.

So, take from that, that I’ve been feeling pretty stressed lately lol.

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Rotorua Travel Blog FamilyBut, today I finished this marvellously dark crime novel, and I’m adding Robert Galbraith to my ‘Author’s to Read Again’ list (this list may or may not exist in my head but it DOES exist!).  Cormoran Strike has the strangest name of any character EVER (in my opinion) but I easily constructed a mental image of him that was deftly developed by Galbraith as the novel progressed.

There are really horrendous crimes to be solved in this book, those alone make it a morbid page-turner, but the relationships between the characters in the present day, as well as historically is what helps elevate Career of Evil above the many dime-a-dozen crime novels that are so hard to avoid these days.  Strike and his employee Robin Ellacott are being targeted by a terrifying predator that is slowly losing control and getting closer and closer to his ultimate target.

As the action ramps up, those aforementioned relationships begin to crumble, seemingly beyond repair.  There is a wicked cliffhanger ending which has done what it’s meant to in that, I can’t wait to read the next novel!

And………I’ve just discovered (from reading the press release lol) that Robert Galbraith is actually a pseudonym for J.K.  Rowling!  No surprises then that I loved the way Career of Evil was written.  I sometimes struggle with novels written by English authors because of the heavy colloquialisms and writing-in-accent that I find off-putting.   Thankfully, Galbraith / Rowling doesn’t go there at all and has penned this brilliant tale with great prose and skill without relying on a ‘voice’ to narrate it.

This is such a great, wintery novel.  The themes and characters are so dark, you just want to snuggle down with a warm blanket, a cup of tea and a roaring fire and read it cover to cover.



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