Toddler New Zealand Parenting Blog

Daily Look | Winter is Coming

I snapped this photo four days ago.  Just looking at it makes me shiver under my woollen jumper, full length tights, fuzzy socks and nana blanket.  Dave has started prepping a section of our yard for a wee makeover.  It’s going to require a digger and a roller and lots of dirt, mud and rocks.  If Nixon had any idea …

Toddler Nursery Room NZ

Daily Look | Nixon’s Room

Almost two years on I still love this wee nursery.  I was laughing with some girlfriends the other night about the state of it though.  What you don’t see in this image is the gnawed, beaver tracks on the cot rails –  Nixon is THAT child in every possible way!  It will be time for a makeover soon though, as …

NZ New Zealand Mummy Blog Kids

Daily Look | Good Friday

Good Friday indeed!  Family 5.5k, gardening, lawn-mowing, ticking off to-do lists………and this babe x “Dwawing”.  Also, welcome back DSLR!  I feel a massive influx of photo inspired posts coming on #sorrynotsorry   Follow

Daily Look | #shelfie

I have THAT child.  The one that is obsessed with getting his mitts on anything that cost more than a cup of coffee and may be potentially fragile and expensive to fix.  My DSLR has just returned from a holiday at Canon HQ and now needs to be kept up high.  A string shelf phaff was obviously in order! Follow

Mummy Blogger NZ Kids Cooking

Daily Look | Kids in the Kitchen

Oh Bubbydo. You make everything just that little bit more exciting. ‘I help it’ is keeping us on our toes these days. You’re everywhere at once. Waiting for us to let our guard down and leave eggs on the bench unattended. You are an opportunist of magnificent proportion and I love you more everyday x Follow

Nix & Lou

Daily | Look | Shine.

  It’s pretty hard to deny that everything is generally a-ok in your world when you have sun shining on this little corner of love in your lounge x Follow

Daily Look | Afternoon Sloth

Three dogs. On their the couch. Sometimes I have to remind myself that he who pays the mortgage controls the couch, though I don’t think these three care too much about the household division of power. Follow

Daily Look | Morning Light

The light in the morning can be stunning in our lounge. The happiness when these two are at peace with each other is equally as lovely. Follow

Anzac Wreath

Daily Look | Anzac Wreath, 10 days on

I forgot to take a picture of the many beautiful wreaths that were hung on our local War Memorial on Anzac Day.  They are still hanging in there, just a little wilted and older, like the men and women we paid tribute to on April 25th. Follow