When you love Netflix, you really love Netflix. It might happen gradually, it might happen overnight but it will happen and when it does it’s easy to appreciate the amazing learning potential that exists in the combination of a medium that’s often relegated to the ‘mindless entertainment’ category, with the tangible, precious experience of books and the modern luxury of the …
Remote negotiations – The Battle of the Box
Like many Mum’s I can often catch myself discussing the very different natures of my two boys. Polar opposites, chalk and cheese………..you name it I’ve said it. Their uniqueness translates across every moment of our day from Nixon’s need for control over what he’s wearing, to Ethan’s general compliance and respect for authority. Everything one boy is, the other isn’t. This …
Back to School! How were the holidays……really?
The first Monday back to school after the holidays has come and gone and I’m reflecting a little on what we did, and didn’t do over the past two weeks. Nix was sick for 10 days prior to the holidays so we were all out of whack after that and to be honest, the constant rain of the first week …
Me and #MeTime
After a gorgeous, wonderful, fabulous, first-time-I’ve-ever-had-a-girls-trip, trip to Melbourne, I’ve been thinking a lot about this ‘me time’ business, as after four days without kids in tow, my cup was certainly running over with Me-time. But what I’ve discovered is that ‘me time’ for one Mum is certainly not a one size fits all experience. Time out from your daily routine, …
DIY – Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween Wreath
In hindsight it was a totally ‘oddball’ purchase, but the first animated/family DVD we purchased when Dave and I found out we were pregnant 12.5 years ago was Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas – how can that movie have come out in 1993?! Anyway, I freaking LOVE this movie, it’s a stop-motion masterpiece and thank goodness it’s on Netflix …
Positive Screen Time – Nixon and Dinosaur Train
Screen time, device time, iPad use, tablet time, TV time – whatever you call it, letting your kids use a screen, be it large or small immediately places a target on your back and immediately opens you up to judgement by Sancti-Mummy’s everywhere. Screen time gets such a bad rap these days, it’s almost as high up the parental hit-list as sugar …
Valentines Day Movies – Staying In is the new Going Out
Look, I’m turning 36 37 this year. I haven’t measured my own self-worth or the status of a relationship by how red, pink and chocolatey a Valentine’s Day is for a very long, long time. That’s not to say I’m completely opposed to celebrating it however. For me the appeal of Valentine’s Day is that you can make it as ostentatious or as …