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Summer like a Kiwi – What happens above 23°

January marks the second, ‘official’ month of New Zealand summer.  We Kiwi’s are comfortably settled into the annual, seasonal slow-down we look forward to every year.  The kids have chilled out after the excitement of Santa’s visit, Mum’s everywhere have celebrated ‘un-decking the halls’ and returning Christmas to the boxes in the garage and everyone sadly mourned the last slice …


The Never-Ending Summer

I looked outside yesterday and couldn’t help but appreciate the sight of two loads of whites drying on the line, yes the water truck came {FOR THE 5TH TIME} and so we washed. I hate to begrudge people a long, amazing summer, seeing as how the season of sun is sometimes so fickle here in New Zealand; but enough is …

How impressive is your ice?

My ice definitely had that ‘wow’ factor this morning. Two buckets of water over my windscreen and still there were rogue icebergs refusing to budge. If I lived in the Seven Kingdoms this would totally be a sign that the long winter was coming from the north. Alas, I haven’t even watched season 2 of Game of Thrones yet {I …

Autumn Leaves

Daily Look | My Commute

Autumn is spectacular in our part of Auckland.  The leaves are turning and the colours make my jaw drop every morning as I head to work.  The fog was insane today; this morning’s drive had an ethereal quality about it…….until I hit the Albany gridlock. Follow

Daily Look | Indian Summer

Despite warnings of tropical cyclones destined to ruin everyone’s Easter holidays {gasp!} , the sun has shone for days.  We LOVE! Follow

A Weather Bomb

One Saturday a mighty Weather Bomb was ‘supposed’ to hit Auckland.  In fact the Weather Bomb was SO big the whole North Island was under a gale warning.  Oh my! I was quite sure that there would be nothing better to do during a Weather Bomb than to watch movies together and bake yummy treats.  Ethan agreed, though it wasn’t …


It was sunny today! Gasp. I am crazy about hydrangeas this season, luckily for me there is a serious bounty of them a few doors up from us. Follow

Low Light Days

Gloomy days always make for the best photos and this is one of the best pics I have taken in a while.  And I took it on my iphone.  From the car.  Outside Ethan’s school.  LOVE. Follow

He may or may not have hunted and killed this sheep himself……

A Shi-tzu wearing a sweater chewing on a sheep skull.  This is what Lou did all day after he dragged himself out of {my} bed.  It’s getting cold but still no rain.  This time a year ago I was obsessing about how to get my clothes dry, this year it’s more about how to get them washed! Follow

Christmas Eve in New Zealand

I had to ‘work’ this morning but had to stop my car as I was driving down our road and take some pictures because it was a breathtaking morning – these photos have NOT been edited or colour corrected Merry Christmas everyone, stay safe on those roads! Follow