
Ch-ch-ch-changes – Pubertal Changes that is

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Travel Blog Puberty Talk

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Travel Blog  Puberty Talk

Despite my initial doubts, PUBERTAL is actually a word and therefore the derision with which I regarded the ‘Pubertal Changes’ permission slip when it came home from school with E was completely unwarranted.

Sorry about that Pubertal Changes.  I have learnt something, as has Ethan – thanks to THE PUBERTY TALK, which was last night at his school.

What a milestone!  One that I have been celebrating for the past 10 days with a little song I like to call “Pubertal Changes”.  I’ve had been busting out this wee gem at the top of my lungs every time I passed the family calendar in the kitchen and was reminded of the glorious day in which Ethan would attend The Talk.  Unfortunately it’s now June so I’ve turned the page on the calendar and as my memory is akin to that of a goldfish, I’ll forget about this whole thing in a couple of days, hence my need to blog about it.  BUT NOW YOU GET TO ENJOY IT TOO!!  Yay.

Firstly, I wasn’t allowed to attend Pubertal Changes!  Heart broken I was when our young man decided that this was unequivocally a job for his Dad.  I thought we were close?  I thought we were ok with discussing armpit hair, breaking voices and grrrrlllllfrands.  Turns out only in small doses.  I was deemed unfit to attend an evening dedicated to tweens and their hormones, probably due to the public nature of the event.

This was devastating as I’m sure you can imagine.

Dave was almost as devastated when he received news of his selection.  

“I think we’ll just go to the tavern and have a beer instead”.  

“Sounds good Dave but Ethan’s only 11 – the Pubertal Changes haven’t taken effect yet, so I’m pretty sure he won’t get served”.


Yeah.  So that happened last night and now we have ALL the closed doors at shower time etc, whereas before it was all like “Muuuuummmmmm, come here, I want to tell you about the new dinosaur in my game”.  Which is fine of course, everybody needs their privacy but,

Where the hell did my little boy go? and when will I hear about the dinosaurs now that our world has tilted on its axis???

 I can’t believe we are here, at voice-breaking stage already.  Damn you Pubertal Changes.

Do you guys remember your puberty talk?  Were you the ‘chosen one’ for your kids?




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