
{CLOSED} Cook Eat | Miso Hoki Recipe + GIVEAWAY!

Miso Hoki Recipe


Dave and I attended an awesome Supper Club hosted by Sealord on Tuesday night which saw Trudi Nelson from www.fresh.co.nz cooking up some divine recipes using fresh Hoki.  Previously I had been a bit turned off by Hoki, my experience was that it was a bit too flaky to really use for anything other than a pie. Well, I have been totally converted and to be honest, I’m pretty stoked to discover how much we love this mild, versatile and inexpensive fish ($9.99 at New World this week! – as cheap as mince!).

There were a couple of dishes that particularly grabbed my attention so I was keen to give them a go at home, only I liked them both so much I decided to create a mash up!  By the way, check out that pic – no flaky mess, hurray!

This dinner was so super quick to prep and cook, and though I’m no nutritionist, I say it def ticks a few boxes.

Both of Trudi’s original recipes can be found here, I have combined them below for my mash-up version.  Ethan (age 9) ate the miso crusted hoki but he didn’t love it, next time I will just do a simple panko crumb on his piece and everyone will be happy!

Miso Hoki with Baguette French Toast & Beetroot Mayo
  1. 4 x 180 gm portions of fresh hoki
  2. 4 tablespoons miso soup paste
  3. ½ cup mayonnaise
  4. 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest
  5. ¾ cup panko breadcrumbs
  6. 1 loaf sliced baguette
  7. 1 can chunky cut beetroot
  8. Milk
  9. Egg
  10. 2-3 tblsp mayo
  11. 1 bag coleslaw
  1. Pre-heat the oven to 180 degs. Line a shallow roasting tray with cooking paper. In a small bowl combine miso, mayonnaise and lemon zest. Arrange hoki portions on the tray and spread a generous layer of miso mayonnaise on each. Sprinkle over panko crumbs. Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes depending on thickness of the hoki (the flesh should just start to flake in the centre when tested with a fork). I switched the oven to grill for the last couple of minutes to get some gorgeous colour and nice crispy crumbs on top. Rest for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Combine and dress your coleslaw.
  3. Dip sliced baguette quickly in milk - don't soak it - dip in whisked egg, shallow fry until golden and crispy.
  4. Mix chunky beetroot with mayo and dress each slice of baguette.
  5. Serve with hoki on top and coleslaw on the side.
Adapted from www.fresh.co.nz
Adapted from www.fresh.co.nz

If you’re keen to get more fish onto the dinner plates for your family, use the handy gizmo below and get in the draw to win one of three Sealord prize packs!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. Sep 4, 2014 9:41 pm

    Sounds so good! I got Hoki for same price last week and made delicious Thai fish cakes, but this I’M going to try! I see that Sealord make a gluten free crumbed fish, I’d love to try that and fish n chip friday with my kids!

    • Sep 5, 2014 8:14 pm

      @Gill @ mudbird ceramics

      It was really, really good, plus I loved cooking with the miso paste for the first time, adding another flavour to the menu is always a good thing!