
Currently: Between Scorched Almonds and Brandy Snaps

Top Mummy Blog new Zealand Toddler Beach

Top Mummy Blog new Zealand Toddler Beach

Hi everyone!  It’s New Years Eve eve!  What in the actual fuck.  2015 must hold the record for the most insanely quick blink-and-you-miss-it year on record right?

So much happened for us this year and there were many events which delineated the year for me and resulted in some very clear benchmarks with which to measure the passing of time………..but still! 

We are in Waipu for the the 3rd year running for our end of year celebrations and I’m so stoked our family is here with Mum and her awesome partner Geoff!

The first year here was a mental party night followed by impressive hangovers on the 1st.  Last year we were in bed by 10pm, too scared of a repeat performance.  This year I imagine the festivities to fall somewhere in between.  I’ll get back to you on that one!  So;


  1. Listening: Ethan decided that instead of Star Wars Lego, he was going to spend his Christmas money from his Grandparents and Aunties on a UE Roll portable speaker.  I LOVE that he did this however his Spotify playlist, though very, very good, is also very, very small.  So we are listening to approx 10 tracks on repeat.  Boys got taste though and has asked if we’ll spot him a ticket to the Violent Femmes concert we are attending in March!  Woohoo!  If you’d like to see what we’re listening to, check out Dave’s family-friendly (mostly) Spotify playlist here.
  2. Eating: The scorched almonds are all gone, the Christmas Shortbread we baked has been brought up here for NY so hopefully that disappears quickly.  We are mostly eating lots of cold meat and salad, which is exactly what I need.  And eggs.  I’m always eating lots of eggs lol.
  3. Drinking: Ugh.  Problem #1 is eating.  Problem #2 is drinking.  Too much alcohol and not enough water in this silly season.  Long White Vodka and wine mainly, with a few Jim Beam’s thrown in for good measure!  And coffee.  Dave has cracked my perfect Nespresso over the past week; 2 capsules, 2 Equals and a splash of frothed milk.  LOVE.
  4. Wearing: Right now?   A Motivate Me M Fit tank and Bonds undies.  Today I wore Country Rd denim cut-offs, a Zara striped tee, Saltwater sandals and a Brixton felt hat.
  5. Feeling: Fat – see #3 above.
  6. Weather:  The past week has been a series of picture perfect days, clear blue skies and HOT temps.  Today was no exception.  We arrived up north around 2.30, headed to the beach for the afternoon and spent the evening out on the porch.  There is a nor-easter blowing in some bad weather so we are making plans to see the new Star Wars movie in Whangarei with Ethan on one of the rainy days that are on their way.
  7. Wanting: Nothing actually!  What a lovely feeling.
  8. Needing: Sleep, exercise, to start and finish GST, to potty train Nixon.
  9. Thinking: About blogging and what 2016 will hold for The Best Nest.
  10. Enjoying: Being on holiday!  I never imagined I would say this but my blog is pretty much a job now.  The last 6 weeks were ridiculous, with numerous campaigns finishing, deadlines, two trips in one week (!) and a massive project for Dave finishing.  The Jacks needed to regroup.  And we are.  I feel like we have been maximising our time together over the Christmas break and with just 5 days left before Dave goes back to work I know we are going to squeeze in as many good times together as is humanely possible!

How’s the Christmas season been for your family?  If you’re blogging I’d love it if you wanted to join in with a ‘Currently‘ post of your own.  Copy and paste the 10 prompts, add your information to the Linky widget below and copy and paste the Linky code to your own post to create a blog Hop!

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