and I finished it. 20 minutes of workout insanity IN MY KITCHEN. Kind of, it was ballet. ish.
I was waiting for the jug to boil the other night {sad but true, the wine bucket has been subbed out for a steaming mug of hot blackcurrant lately ::::sigh:::: we are all sick}, I noticed what long kitchen benches we have, and how swishy our new floors are. Snippets of ballet barre routines came back to me and I smashed out a few plies and thought that I would quite enjoy a bit of ballet again.
So this morning while avoiding important things like housework, I did a YouTube search for ballet barre routines and cracked in to the first one that was about 20min long.
I did years and years of dance, it was a compulsory partner to gymnastics training, and this routine was such a good throwback for my inner-adult-ballerina. I really enjoyed it and my legs got a great workout. I can now say for sure that I still have butt muscles , tiny as they may be they came alive during my impromptue kitchen bench barre routine, which also included abs and arms! Yah – “Hello Girls!”, now pass the Old Gold.
Mar 6, 2014 10:12 am
lol! i could just imagine you rocking out in that awesome kitchen! go you!
Mar 6, 2014 4:49 pm
oh I might have to try that!
Mar 6, 2014 5:55 pm
I hear you re the ballerina within !
that is why I love the balance classes I do 5x a week – hello ballet –
Go you !! !! !! housework can wait
Mar 6, 2014 8:55 pm
I did dancing for three years in high school and ballet was a compulsory part of our workout before doing the choreography because, one, it does wonders to balance and grace and, two, it's hardcore, man! The stuff my muscles had to endure whilst we were all lined up by the wall doing "plies" (I don't know how to spell this stuff) and then doing those turny-twisty jumps whilst making our way from one end of the room to the other… Jesus, I don't think my butt ever looked that good before, or since. That stuff is frickin' hardcore! All this hoopla people go on about with gyms and lifting weights and running, and I just think, man, if you did ballet for 45 minutes twice a week, your abs would be there in, like, four weeks and your butt would make men turn around on the street in, like, six weeks. Really, really hardcore… But I bet you know that. You've been there.
Mar 6, 2014 9:05 pm
Mental note made! Go you prima-ballerina!
Mar 19, 2014 9:59 pm
Brilliant idea doing a quick workout in the kitchen. I haven't tried barre workouts before but saw a place around the corner from us the other day and thought I should try it sometime.