Running and I have a long and sordid history, mostly in my head as opposed to on the track, road or treadmill, but let us not digress.
When I was a young thing I always wanted to be an athletics star. I would join the athletics team every year and fervently leap the hurdles, sure that I must have grown some more fast-twitch muscle fibres in 12 months. It was never to be, those fast twitch fibres just didn’t come in as I had hoped they would.
Fast forward 15 years and I began running regularly with a friend. This was back when I was a SAHM so I could do such things you see. We would run, even UP HILLS! One hill. But it was a big hill. I enjoyed that running and never had an injury.
Then I lapsed.
Then we moved away from that hill.
Then I paddled a stupid kayak on a river and messed up my back.
So skip ahead some more years and here we are. I ran tw0 5ks in the weekend. At the urging of Dave very early on Saturday morning we ran together and Ethan rode his bike 85% of the way without protest, I was quite amazed. It felt good and I felt good. So good in fact that at 7am on Sunday I suggested that we run again! It was surprising to me too, especially seeing as the night before was date night {I like wine FYI}!
So that was the end of that. Within thirty minutes of getting home my back had seized like I had been struck by a bus and had become so tender to the touch that I couldn’t sit in a chair! I won’t give up this time however, I am determined that I can be one of those people that run, that enjoy running and that can maybe be called a RUNNER.
Until then, I will be perfecting my play-list and shopping for shoes.
Run along now.
Mar 13, 2012 11:00 pm
I did the running thing once. Then I, too, lapsed. One day I will start again. One day. 😉
Mar 14, 2012 7:18 am
I have no idea why the ‘idea’ of running is so compelling. Maybe it’s the shorts?