So many delicious things to choose from this week, I love looking through my phone and getting stoked all over again!
- I am definitely loving the Praying Mantis population explosion going on right now. E is enthralled/obsessed with them. Of his own volition he typed up a report in Word this weekend and peppered it with pictures and facts. His passions, however fleeting are totally contagious!
I am LOVING some new shoes, just what I needed to cover up my toes as the weather gets less and less jandal-friendly
- I am totally loving big cuzzies who take their little cuzzies jet skiing! Look at how amped E was after a very fast burn around Herald Island today. Awesomeness.
- I am big time crushing on Auckland at the moment. We have been enjoying little adventures into the city for the last two weekends, it does a body good to get out away from their usual haunts I think.
- I am fully loving and missing Dave. He is out of town for work for a few days, but whipped up an amazing feast of scotch fillet, bacon wrapped prawn kebabs and sausages to keep us stocked with protein through the weekend. Dave very quickly figured out that the way to my heart is through my stomach x
Finally…… I am LOVING solving the mystery of my escaping Shi Tzu, second-hand Dash. I caught him red-pawed, stuck firmly in a tree. Dog climbs trees to escape – we do not beat him or carry him in a hand-bag I swear!
I love Paisley Jade’s Blog. It’s pretty, all about family and she is always cooking or DIYing something awesome. This weekly reminder to be thankful for all the little things around us is hosted by her – so visit!
Apr 1, 2012 9:37 pm
I love your blog, its planting seeds in my mind to start my own blog. i also love your new shoes, enjoy them.
Apr 1, 2012 9:54 pm
love that last pic….hilarious!!!!