After a slightly bumpy start to the weekend involving husband away on a work project, bronchitis, being locked out of the house, bleeding/vomiting dogs, dogs shitting on carpet, grumpy-ass children, children weeing on carpet……culminating in Fish ‘n Chips and bourbon on Saturday night, I woke up on Sunday and told myself “today is going to rock”. And then I told the children and they seemed to take this on board quite well at 6am, Nix gave me a fist pump, we laced up our runners and hit the streets. Ethan normally complains like a man possessed about having to exercise with us, so I wasn’t prepared for his sparkling attitude and his decision to RUN so he could hang with me instead of riding his bike. Things were looking good!
The weather was also amaze. There was nothing else to do but go to the beach. I made things as easy for myself as possible and took one bucket of toys for the boys and one large bag with all of our gear, food, towels and baby stuff. I needed a beach where I wouldn’t have to park miles away, so got some local knowledge from one of my girlfriends and we hit the sand at an awesome uncrowded spot with lots of lovely sandstone rock pools for the boys to play in.
Best day in a l o n g time. Sometimes when you’re finding things a bit tough, I think you just have to make a decision that things WILL be better. And just make it happen. Do epic shit. Use all the internet motivational catch-phrases you need but just make a decision and roll with it. Also simplify, lower your expectations and most importantly for me, leave the damn house!
Have a wonderful week lovelies xx
Nov 10, 2014 12:42 pm
It was a stunner of a day! go you for choosing happy and epic – I concor that somedays you just gotta make it happen! Glad you had a good one and not a repeat of the day before! Good luck and you have a great week too xx
Nov 11, 2014 8:14 pm
What amazing photos I love that you had an epic day but bugger we never got a chance to catch up lol
And the dogs just crack me up