eeep! New household favourite ahead!
The wonderful folks at The Collective sent us some of their fab yoghurt Suckies last week, and E has been putting the three flavours through their paces in his lunchbox over the last few days. Our school has a no trash policy so everything we put in his lunchbox comes back home to be either disposed of or washed. Traditional yoghurt pots are not school lunch friendly, they make a huge mess and also require a spoon {which contributes to the mess even further}. The Suckies, by virtue of the sheer deliciousness I suppose?, get hoovered out of the tube by hungry mouths leaving behind almost zero rogue yoghurt splats yah! We keep ours in the freezer which makes for a lovely cold treat come morning tea time or a healthy frozen dessert after dinner. Each box also comes with a limited edition collect-a-bull ABC magnet, cuuute!
The Collective are giving away a years worth of Suckies on their Facebook page and we are giving five of you your own box of Suckies so you can give them the taste test yourself! Winners everywhere hooray!
Entries close on Thursday night and if you win your voucher must be redeemed by the 18th of March 2014, so there’s no dilly-dallying ok?
Mar 3, 2014 8:21 pm
Noms – thanks for the opportunity! Would love to try them!
Mar 4, 2014 10:28 pm
I love that there are 8 in a pack! With normal yoghurts 2 of mine miss out on a second helping 🙂