For the first time in like, ever {or maybe 3 or 4 years} Dave was home from work on time to go Trick or Treating with us last Friday. I think this is possibly due to the cute factor being multiplied considerably this year by #2 being able to wear his big brothers FIRST EVER HALLOWEEN COSTUME! Some families pass down christening gowns and the like, creating heirlooms out of all that vintage stuff; we’re all class and save Halloween costumes for the future generations! Wait until our future daughter-in-laws get a glimpse of their baby’s first Halloween monkey suit, worn by their daddy’s, I will be endeared to them forever. Bless.
What a couple of babes! E gave his book week costume a second showing and was a hobbit, this boy makes my life infinitely easier on a daily basis. Here’s a little flashback for you, Ethan in The Monkey Suit, Encinitas, California 2006!
Nov 6, 2014 5:07 pm
Oh bless – so precious! This may be the beginning of a new trend!
Nov 7, 2014 2:20 pm
Oh my gosh, how cute is baby Ethan?!! You make nice babies.
Nov 13, 2015 8:22 am
?/? dimitris ????:oxi re sy kaabetals pws to ennow to prosopo. alla kyriws bgainei karta me thn fwnh k thn to spiti kathoti fainetai arketa k yparxei k kapoio antikeimeno sto video poy prodidei thn taytothta ths kanonikotata ( na mhn epektathw ) pantws se eyxaristw gia thn grhgorh antidrash (ton swsame ton theio apo kana egkefaliko ) k xairomai poy isxyei to moto oti apla me ena report sebesai k den xreiazetai tipote allo! always a fan!