Another 5am start to get ready and get to the Consulate by 7.45am. Seems a bit silly to leave that early, however, as soon as I got on the Nor-Western it was gridlocked. Stressy and stabbier than ever, I almost turned around right then. It is unbelievable how hard this has been. I did get some answers today though, it turns out that I was deported in 2008 and THAT is why my visa waiver was denied. How could something like that have slipped my mind, more importantly, how was I deported when I lived in NZ? So visa approved though not in hand. There are two more obstacles in my way. One is actually getting my passport + visa back before my scheduled flight on Friday. Too make the wedding on Sat in Chicago, the latest I can leave is Friday night {which will mean buying a whole new plane ticket if I miss the morning flight}. Then, I have to negotiate Customs in the US, who could lock me up and deny me entry – because I’ve been deported remember?
The upside is I have lost 1.5 kgs in 48hrs. Yay a stress diet! It’s lonely here by myself, god knows what state I’d be in if I didn’t have four dogs to watch the Olympics and cry with.
I found these little notes in my truck from Ethan;
I also got to FaceTime with the guys when they arrived in Chicago this afternoon.
More tears. A good sleep tonight and a non 5am start will hopefully see better luck tomorrow.