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Ethan takes out the number one spot this week. I am loving his exceptional school report which has made us so proud we could actually burst. Ethan you are the most driven, most exceptional little boy and you hold yourself to the highest standards imaginable. You and your 10.5yo spelling are the greatest achievements of my life, just keep smashing your way around that rugby field and we’ll never have to worry about maths again, ok? I love you.
I am loving our wee Meyer lemon tree that Mum planted. It’s small but a champion fruiter already! Being able to put down roots – literally – in our new house is the best feeling ever. Lemon cake on the baking agenda tomorrow!
Friday afternoons are not quite as cruisy as one would like as E has rugby training. However, making the best of the situation with my babein-rugby-mama-friends is an excellent way to unwind and drink some wine at home while the little guys sweat it out in the mud. LOVE that we live one block from the club!
The boys came back for a wee play after training and I am loving the strong friendships that are being formed in this team. Sport is {I believe} essential for little boys {I can’t speak for little girls as I don’t have one!}. Learning to be part of a team and fighting HARD for the common good is a lesson that is hard to instill without the very defined roles and rules that are inherent in organised sport.
While we are on the subject of Rugby, I am LOVING being able to purchase presale tickets to the All Blacks v Wallabies!!!!! I die. Bledisloe Cup matches have to be some of the best rugby ever. Having things to look forward to makes life awesome.
Loving Mum’s little dog Marley, he is the cuddliest of all of our dogs and LOVES to be close. Very close. It’s hard to see but he was resting his wee chin on the keyboard during a teleconference yesterday.
I LOVE finding things that have been misplaced in the move. Dave has been without his favourite leather belt for 5 weeks now. I knew it had something {everything} to do with me as I couldn’t find my own belt and used his whilst my clothes were boxed up. The belt was never to be seen again! Until today when I though to check my shorts! No wonder I couldn’t find it – brrrrr.
Oh Saturday, you were perfect! I loved today. I stayed home from rugby this morning and spent the day methodically working through the to-do list in my head. Among other things I was finally able to type up Ethan’s chore list. He is keen as to earn some pocket money before our trip next month. Go for it little man!
Things I’m Loving is hosted by Meghan at MNM’s
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful matter how simple it is.
Jun 24, 2012 12:49 pm
What a great list of loves this week! Yay for boys sports – I agree, it’s so good for them. Loving anything lemon as well, it’s one of my favourite ingredients to cook with. Great work on the school report too Ethan!
Jun 24, 2012 1:49 pm
Love that lemon tree – our lemon tree is one of my favourite things about our house. Lemon trees are awesome! and your wee man what a star. It’s so wonderful to get a great report
Jun 28, 2012 12:52 am
Wow, awesome post, loved reading it 🙂
Jun 28, 2012 3:24 am
Aww thanks! This is why comments are so great – now I've found your blog!