What a busy week! No posts at all {smacks hand}. Good things are just around the corner though : )
We had a blast at the opening game of the Super 14 season! Little guy was SO happy his Crusaders won, although the other 30,000 or so spectators were not so pleased. It’s ok Piri, I forgive you x
Isn’t this spider amazing? Shot on my IPhone 4s with PhotoJojo macro lens, get yours here
We had some stunning sunrises last week, here is proof I was up early enough to catch at least one of them!
Have I told you that I will NEVER Hot Air Balloon? No? I WILL NEVER HOT AIR BALLOON.
There was a wee bit of celebrating this week, we enjoyed dinner down by the river and snapped the ferry arriving from Auckland.
Ethan is back in his weekly routine of swimming, touch practise, touch games and trombone. Yes, we like to keep him busy!
We had some major storms last Friday, no power for 6 hours and no interwebs for 48! High drama all round
Sometime even Ethan stops moving for just a little while.