
How to make Ironing a little more enjoyable

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Rotorua Travel Blog Family iron review

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Rotorua Travel Blog Family iron review I’ve taken a sabbatical from ironing over the past few years.  When I didn’t return to my prior job after having Nixon I found that activewear and yoga pants usually fall into that wonderful ‘DO NOT IRON’ category in my wardrobe.  Likewise, Dave has been working from home for quite a while now so the weekly mountain of ironing has been much diminished – thankfully!

However, I’m finding myself out and about a lot more now that Nix has some regular kindy days and my calendar is quite full with blogging related events and meetings, most of which require some sort of sartorial effort that leaves the Lululemon at home.  Damn.

Effort = ironing.

Dave and I have tried and tried but we couldn’t actually remember how we came to own our previous iron.  Considering the state of its soleplate and the fact that it was leaving marks on the clothes we were ironing, this did not bode well for its future.  Luckily for me, the future was the new Russell Hobbs Smooth IQ iron.* 

*Be warned – I kind of, almost, look forward to ironing now, so if this scares you, you may want to avoid purchasing this iron.

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Rotorua Travel Blog Family iron reviewThe features that I LOVE in this new, high performance iron are;

  • The 3m power cord
  • The ceramic coated soleplate – it feels as smooth as my hair straighteners!
  • The water tank has a plug!  I can’t tell you how many times I’ve knocked the old iron over and spilled water everywhere
  • Auto shut off – Mummy brain can relax, phew!

Look, no-one likes ironing but the key to making any dreaded chore a little more bearable and get it done faster is having the right tools for the job.  The Russell Hobbs Smooth IQ Plus Iron ticks all of the boxes plus also provides features that I never knew I wanted in an iron – over-delivering is always appreciated!

The Russell Hobbs Smooth IQ Plus Iron RRP $199.99.  Available from retailers nationwide.

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Rotorua Travel Blog Family iron reviewNew Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Rotorua Travel Blog Family iron review


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