Milo Giveaway…….. & the winner is! Milo PlayPlay July 29, 2012 Melissa 864/1777 Just so everything was on the up-and-up I used the webs definitive random number generator that I’m sure you’re all familiar with ……… Psychic Science {or, the first result from Google that was free!}, Free custom random numbers for lotteries, prize draws, gaming, divination, research I love it when I find a website that helps me with my divination! So handy. Anyway, without much further ado, the winner of the VERY awesome Milo Prize Pack pictured below is; Post number 20!!!!! Darrenrae! Congratulations, we LOVE indoor climbing here too. Please email you delivery details to and we will get your prize sent out! Thanks so much for all of your fab entries, there were so many awesome ideas submitted that I am going to collate them into a post and printable for everyone to enjoy. Follow Spread the loveComments comments