On Friday afternoon as I picked E up from school I was expecting him to be riding his scooter down the hill toward the truck, flushed, hot and happy after an afternoon of playtime at school Rewards Day. Instead he was limping, making his way slowly and his face was trying its hardest not to crumple before he made it to the car.
It wasn’t a major, a collision with a kid on a bike, but the sharp angles of handlebars and the perfect shin-high height of pedals delivered some very painful bruises that have punished him all weekend. When your 8yo cries and needs a hug it’s easy to remember he is still a little boy.
Saturday morning dawned bright, hot and dry of course. Dave had some DIY planned, got the ladder out and promptly broke a $400 window. It was dodgy old plate glass and broke inwards right onto the couch where E had been sitting not five minutes before. Everyone was unhurt {yes the most important thing}, it was however just what we didn’t need after a month filled with rates, truck rego, RUC, sickness, doctors appointments, prescriptions and a summer of purchasing water……yadda yadda. I was so mad I was driven to dusting. That is a rare event in our house indeed.
Sunday at the skatepark Dave bailed hard. Twice. Once on a hand rail falling on his back, and once in the bowl smashing his head. Skating when you’ve been knocked out with man-flu for two weeks and your ears are blocked – read your balance is shot – is a hard, painful lesson learned.
I am so hoping for less bruises this week!
Mar 12, 2013 8:04 pm
Oh no! Hope this week is better xo (loving the new layout too)
Mar 12, 2013 10:26 pm
Thanks Kelly! I thought it would be interesting to sneak it up and see who noticed, you never know who is reading from an RSS feed or actually visiting.