
My Baby is two! Happy Birthday Nixie xx

Mummy Blogger New Zealand

Two years after a baby is born, they turn two.  Strange but true.

What you never expect is just how quickly this happens, how every day feels like they were just born yesterday, like you just woke up and became a mother of two boys um ………. last week wasn’t it?

I called Nix Baby Hippo before he was born as I knew he was going to be huge (I was right) and huge he still is.  I think his size has a lot to do with how old he seems, his ridiculous vocab and sentence composition also contributes to the impression that he is much older than a newly minted two year old.

Everywhere we go people fall in love with him.  His personality is just like his physical self, larger than life and ready to take charge of any situation.  Nixon will eat anything, talk to anyone, take on any playground, animal or obstacle and do it with a smile and the thank-you-you’re-welcome combo of his trademark “kill you with kindness while I steal your toy” manners.  

More than anyone else, Nixon has his big brother wrapped around his little finger.  Ethan was so excited about his little brothers birthday today he could barely sleep himself last night!  They have the most lovely relationship and it’s increasingly obvious what an important role Ethan is going to play in Nixon’s life in the years ahead – vice versa of course!

Predictably, Nix was suitably spoiled.  I’m a shopping monster when it comes to the kids birthdays and this year fell in love with the New Zealand made vintage toy brand Fun Ho!  Nixon loves these aluminium die-cast trucks and diggers so much that it was time to invest some money and get him some of his own.  We decided to skip the party this year.  Or, to be honest, it wasn’t really a decision, more like, oh shit, Nixon’s birthday is next week and we don’t have any time to plan a party!  Life has been ridiculously busy lately, there is always one of us coming and going and it just felt right to let it go and do without a big “occasion” this year.

What I did do was take a little mate and his lovely Mum to Kiwi Valley and we spent a perfect morning wandering around the farm, feeding the animals, we had horse and tractor rides, played on the playground and enjoyed a relaxed lunch at the cafe.  No stress, and barely anyone else there!  The last time I went there was when Ethan was a similar age and I loved it just as much this time as I explored with Nixon.  

Parenting a two year old is akin to living on the edge of your seat, in a car, with no seat belts, driven by a crazy person who has an aversion to braking.  You never, ever know what’s around the corner and lest you forget, there is no rhyme nor reason to their reaction to ANYTHING.  Be prepared, yes.  But be prepared to be unprepared because I seriously never know what Nixon is going to throw at me (or the walls/ceiling) from day to day.  Most of the time I leave the house running, well, moving as fast as I can whilst herding cats Nixon, the mess we leave in our wake is unfathomable, I always forget something and have to return to the house and I’m invariably late.  Which is a Melissa No-No.  I’ve done it before with Ethan and this (last) time around I’m trying to let it go a bit more and adore these fleeting toddler years before they disappear and I’m left wondering who I was doing all that vacuuming for anyway?!

I love you more than you’ll ever imagine, baby boy.  Happy 2nd Birthday Nixon xx

Mummy Blogger New Zealand

Mummy Blogger New Zealand

Mummy Blogger New Zealand Mummy Blogger New Zealand Mummy Blogger New Zealand Mummy Blogger New Zealand

Mummy Blogger New Zealand

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  1. Jul 5, 2015 2:53 pm

    Aww Happy Birthday to Nixon! I know what you mean about feeling like they were just born yesterday. My boy isn't 2 yet (December baby), but it feels like just yesterday I was in hospital with him. Thanks for sharing the Fun Ho page, this is the direction I'm heading in for gifts for him 😀

  2. Jul 8, 2015 7:14 am

    Happy Birthday little man!! Hope it was a great celebratory day for the whole family xx