He was a skateboarder when I met him (I skated too actually, fairly well) and he will be a skateboarder long after the wheels have stopped spinning I’m sure. As is always the way when all of a sudden you can’t do something, I secretly have major skate envy at the moment as the influx of beautiful concrete bowls in and around Auckland has amped up all skate related activity in our house.
Dave and E are heading out whenever they get a chance, spending hours finding lines in the bowls at Botany and Victoria Park, meeting new friends and learning new tricks; relishing in this very special father and son hobby that couldn’t have peaked at a more opportune time.
So, I lose them for most of a Saturday or Sunday, they come home happy, scraped, bruised and exhausted. Ethan’s legs ache when wakes but he always asks if they can do it all over again. Did I mention the NOFX? Ethan is slowly being converted to American punk. Sigh.
Feb 15, 2013 11:51 pm
they never grow up. Men 🙂