
My very own FOR REAL byline


I have one.  Have had one for (count them) FIVE WEEKS now.  I know.

This is why I have been tapping away for these past few years, writing shit that no-one reads or comments on, just so I could get a little better, and a little more confident.  Now I finally have an audience.

You can read my blog every Tuesday in the Lifestyle section of the 3news.co.nz website.  3NEWS PEOPLE!!!!  Loving it, aside from Monday nights when I have no idea what I am going to write about am left floundering (I kid, I kid!  sorta).

You can catch up on the last 4 weeks by clicking the links below;

Information overload and Parenting the News

Over-parenting and the New Breed of Uber-Mums

Political Correctness in Saturday Sport

Is there room for a Higher Power in the Classroom? – proceed with caution, this one got pretty heated!

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  1. Sep 22, 2010 9:47 am

    I have always read. And loved.
    Arnolds love you and are proud of you. xoxox