Reigning in our family’s screen time has been high on my list of priorities over the last six months since it has become apparent that little-big Nixon was seemingly getting as attached to his ‘iPad’ as the rest of us are to our phones and devices.
But, to be honest, those lovely (?) screens are a crutch that we seem to be using more and more. I freaking LOVE my phone but now that it is seemingly an extension of my arm as both the blogger tool-of-the-trade and the source of much entertainment, it might be time to really take stock of how much power our devices are yielding within our family.
There are screens everywhere in our house. Total first-world problem I know and I’m almost ashamed to admit that the house is positively littered with electronic devices capable of watching videos of grown-ass men opening toys on YouTube at any given time!
And this is the stuff my kids watch.
So. It’s about time Dave and I pull our heads out of the sand and wrest back some time and energy from our collective phones, iPads, Laptops, Chromebooks, tablets and iMacs. Time that would be much better spent on any one of 10,000 things than beating another level in Candy Crush.
I love my phone but I love my family MORE.
Obviously right? I mean we all do. The problem is that despite our very best intentions, societal norms have changed as have our expectations of how/when/with whom we use our devices and what is acceptable on our ‘down’ time – that time not spent at work or school. Eight years ago I remember worrying about whether or not I was addicted to the internet because I checked my email more than once a day!!!
Can you even? How laughable is that by today’s standards lol?
So. This month, on the weekend of the 19-20th of March, The Jacks (that’s us FYI) are making a pledge; I’m signing all of us up for 24 hours of device free time along with thousands of other kiwi families in an effort to put the fab back in our family. That’s what the Hyundai Power Off/Family On campaign is all about; sign up online and pledge to power off for a few hours or the full 48, it’s up to you. Because family roadies are one of New Zealand families favourite ‘do-it-together’ past-times, all who register to Power Off online go in the draw to win one of 100 x $100 fuel vouchers to help get the crew on the road and off the couch!
Check us out wearing our Power Off badges which you can pick up at your local Hyundai dealership!
Sounds awesome right? Get the kids onboard (or don’t and just surprise them lol) and register online NOW!
I plan on making the most of the lovely Autumn weather and getting the kids into the bush and out on the beach for a picnic dinner.
Share what you plan on doing with all of your device-free time over the Hyundai Power Off/Family On weekend below and enter to win a $100 MTA Gift Card to kick off your own amazing adventures!
Mar 7, 2016 8:09 pm
We as a family will be taking advantage of the beach and surrounding of Papamoa to fill our days. Game boards have been brought out of the cupboards, colour pens and paper to the ready as a box we have assembled in prep. We have a score card of accomplishments ready so every member of the house will be scored for each activity out of 10. Come Sunday night we will add points and allocate some prizes of early easter eggs. Gets buy in easier with some bribes for the boys. Good luck to all.
Mar 8, 2016 6:17 am
I am decluttering over Easter filling trailers ready for the tip – I’m desperate to move house & there’s no better excuse to do it being device free.
Mar 8, 2016 12:46 pm
Would like to write a diary for this year since I haven’t started I go back and write all about the summer – il also take some time to write some goals
Mar 8, 2016 3:43 pm
family time is so important . 🙂 We will be having our usual games night and fishing and a trip to the beach with a picnic 🙂
Mar 8, 2016 10:35 pm
We plan on taking a drive to spend the hopefully beautifully Sunny day on the Saturday at the Hawarden A&P Show, then home to pitch the tent in the backyard to ‘camp out’ for the night, have secretly brought some new board games to play then finally on Sunday will be babysitting my 4 nieces and nephew taking them to proudly cheer on my sister (their mum) at the Christchurch City to Surf 🙂
Mar 9, 2016 12:16 pm
We are going to put a tent up at our grand ads an spend time there on the beach, collecting sea shells an bringing out the games! !!
Mar 9, 2016 10:39 pm
My daughter and I will be powering off and spending time with our friends at Rangitata Island with their animals and enjoying the fresh air and non-technology weekend 🙂
Mar 9, 2016 11:21 pm
I plan on taking the family for a picnic and walk around the Sculpture in the Gulf
Mar 10, 2016 12:47 pm
We’re packing up the car and road tripping Auckland to Hamilton for a weekend away from all the devices (literally- everything will be left at home with the cat sitter). We’ll walk and explore and enjoy and just bond- without the need to switch something on and switch someone out.
Mar 11, 2016 7:05 pm
We are going to spend the 24 hours I have pledged, reading books together, going to the park and just having fun 🙂
Mar 12, 2016 7:29 am
I plan to take the kids to the local parks and to the redwoods where there are heaps of beautiful tracks to walk. It’s too tempting for all of us to stau home surrounded by technology so getting out and about is the plan ^.^ good luck everyone
Mar 12, 2016 3:17 pm
Reading, writing, playing boardgames. Swimming, fishing, paper aeroplane making. Baking, creating and just really enjoying each other’s company
Mar 12, 2016 5:47 pm
A family bike ride on the hauraki Rail Trail, picnic, river swim if it’s warm enough. Meeting friends at the park.
Mar 13, 2016 5:21 am
Plan to take the kids fishing and road tripping ti visit rellies. And if weather allows they will don their wetsuits for more boogie boarding lessons at mount beach.
Mar 14, 2016 9:39 am
We are planning to head to the local trampoline park and JUMP! also feed the ducks at the lake and enjoy the last of the sunshine and warmth
Mar 14, 2016 9:53 am
We will stop by the museum to see the art display my 9yo daughter was involved with doing. We will also go bush walking & foraging. My kids love that!
Mar 17, 2016 7:39 pm
We have just moved house so will be setting up vege gardens, decorating the walls, doing some baking and exploring the local parks
Mar 18, 2016 4:26 pm
We plan to plant a vege garden. Discover some bush walks locally. Go to the park. Ride our bikes!! Fingers xd for good weather
Mar 18, 2016 4:57 pm
We are spending time in our vege garden (our homemade popcorn is ready to be harvested) then rewarding ourselves with a walk to the diary and an ice cream. Rain or shine. We plan to be outdoors. 🙂
Mar 18, 2016 11:28 pm
We’ve pledged 12 hours device free during Sunday. Depending on weather we’ll be fishing, gardening, or playing games. Kids have had the games out already, they have playing Monopoly and Blockus the last couple of evenings so really we have already started in a small way.
Mar 19, 2016 7:40 am
We are putting in a great transfer system and will go out for some little Road trips with our 2mo darling! Hopefully he is in good moods so we can really enjoy these times.
Mar 19, 2016 12:10 pm
I hope to be phone free this weekend! I’ve pledged to 10 hours. (I know it doesn’t seem like much) but I hope to make gradual changes to stop my habit of picking up my phone. This weekend we will be going for a family walk/bike ride, hopefully go to a park, play board games and go to church together.