Time is flying by at the moment; I can’t believe I’m almost half way through this pregnancy. I feel like I’ve definitely hit my stride as the daily headaches have stopped, my crippling allergy attacks have ceased and general fatigue is my only real complaint (and what mum doesn’t feel that way on a daily basis right?).
Ethan and I saw our midwife last week and we heard baby’s heartbeat for the first time, this was a big deal for all of us as after my previous missed-miscarriage the paranoia has been quite overwhelming at times. I can feel baby moving so that keeps me reassured but I know Dave hasn’t let himself get too excited up until this point and E has asked more than once if this baby is going to die – breaks your heart!
I’m still wearing all of my normal clothes, though I did try on a pair of skinny jeans on today and looked like I tried to stuff too much sausage meat into the casings! We are just now starting shopping for baby (or Mum is xx), we purchased a basinette and changing table in the weekend so two big purchases of the cot and Mountain Buggy remain.
Ethan starts school for the year tomorrow and I can’t help but think that having kids 8.5 years apart is going to be quite fun, there will be such a variety of activities going on in our house! I have no qualms about the age gap, it is what it is and now is the right time to add to our family.
Oh and the anatomy scan is on Tuesday!!! Can’t. Hardly. Wait.
Feb 4, 2013 10:36 pm
Beautiful!! All the best for seeing bubs on the scan tomorrow, so excited for you. I reckon whatever age gap there is between kids has its pros and cons, and like you say, the time is right for you, which means 8.5yrs is perfect xx
Dec 16, 2014 1:31 am
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