Project 365: Week 5
The week that was Monday January 25th – Sunday January 31st, 2010

Monday - My Favourite Things - I began looking for an interesting mobile after Dooce placed one above a messy desk to draw your eye upward, I found this at Iko Iko in Wellington and LOVE it!

Tuesday - New Addition - Mike & Tim, captured by E from Nana and Grandad's pond. Tim is on an Intrepid Journey somewhere in the house, Mike now lives in a very 'spensive terrarium

Wednesday - This is apparently the 'preferred' position for optimal DS playing....

Thursday - I can never remember to take my vitamins and happy pills so I find that a Nana pill dispenser works really well....when I remember to fill it ; )

Friday - This is status quo at our house in the desert. On this day the weather came in from the east, poured down on the shore and in the city (where they have city water) and rained itself out before it hit tank-water land where we live. It wouldn't be quite so infuriating if I didn't have to watch it do this ALL THE DAMN TIME.

Saturday - This is where Ethan has been playing a lot this summer, on the picnic table and under the sun umbrella. Too hot anywhere else!

Sunday - Gorgeous weather yesterday to match their smiles
Feb 4, 2010 11:26 am
The photo of the optimal ds playing position is CLASSIC!