I’m seeing a lot of awesome new products each week so thought it was about time I curated these new releases into a regular ‘Hot List’ that’s short and snappy, giving you guys the lowdown on the latest and greatest from brands we love.
I Love Pies Spiced Chickpea & Spinach Pie RRP $4.99
I thoroughly enjoyed my lunch today, tucking into the latest addition to the I Love Pies Family. I’m a massive pie fan, rarely passing up the opportunity to enjoy a classic mince ‘n cheese but my appetite for meat isn’t what it once was. Give me a hearty, tasty vegetarian option and I’m a happy little kiwi. That’s exactly what I Love Pies have delivered here; a satisfying pie (with that trademark, to-die-for sour cream pastry!), grown-up flavours and a perfect combination of NZ spinach, chickpeas and a sauce to rave about. Pop these in your freezer for a Meat Free Monday meal in a pinch!
Available in the chiller section of supermarkets and gourmet food stores.
Cadbury Marvellous Creations Spider RRP $4.69
I love a good throwback and these two new creations from Cadbury certainly nail the brief! The Marvellous Creations range is always a little bit different and surprising but in a totally delicious way. Chocolate lovers won’t be disappointed with the two new varieties. Choc Raspberry and Choc Orange are now on shelves, reimagined as a mashup with the classic Spider dessert we all loved in the ’80’s. Don’t be fooled into passing these off as more suited to a younger palette, these are full fruity flavours that definitely satisfy my very ‘adult’ sweet tooth.
In stores now.
Cadbury Favourites – Kiwi Edition RRP $18.99
This Christmas I’d bet money that this new Favourites assortment will be winging it’s way all across the globe as New Zealanders send a little taste of home off to their loved ones abroad. This is actually a genius product, forget about the Turkish Delight vs Cherry Ripe argument once and for all and just give in to the favourites everyone loves.
Think Caramilk, Peppy Chew, Buzz Bar and Perky Nana – every option’s a winner, right?
Available now at supermarkets and dairies across the country.
Meadows Canned Mushrooms 220gm & 425gm RRP $2.19 & $4.69
Mushroom lovers rejoice! Every day meals, last minute throw-togethers or special occasion triumphs just got a wee bit easier with the launch of Meadows luscious range of canned mushrooms. More times than I care to remember, I’ve opened the fridge to find my paper mushroom bag crumpled in a corner with the last remaining soldiers a broken mess inside. As a mushroom lover, this is obviously a travesty but it also throws a bit of a spanner in the works when you were counting on your beloved mushrooms to steal the show at dinner time.
Available in 4 varieties; Whole in Brine, Sliced in Brine, Sliced in Garlic Sauce and Sliced in Sauce, Meadows canned mushrooms have cemented their place in our home as a pantry staple. They are unarguably delicious but also contain selenium, potassium and B7 vitamins making them a nutritious addition to any meal.
For more Mushroomy goodness from Meadows, check out this incredible mushroom pie recipe or head to www.meadowmushrooms.co.nz
Available at all major supermarkets and produce stores nationwide.
Nutella Morning Mood Jars
Every person in our house loves Nutella. It’s obviously genetic or it could be that it’s just too yum to deny. Thick, buttery white toast spread with Nutella’s hazelnut magic is an excellent way to put a smile on any grumpy pre-teen’s face and is a trick I use quite often as needed lol.
Limited edition jars have just arrived in New Zealand, each labelled with a different morning mood – yes grumpy is one of the options, along with cheeky, smiley, legendary and loved.
Nutella 220g RRP $4.19, Nutella 400g RRP $6.81, Nutella 750g RRP $10.49
Available in supermarkets nationwide.
New Regal Manuka Salmon Range
Marlborough King Salmon is such a bloody gem, isn’t it? I could eat it every day and never get sick of it. Regal have knocked it out of the park with their brand new range of salmon, Regal Manuka, which is just as incredible as it sounds. Think King Salmon, cured with premium sea salt, smoked over Manuka wood and then sliced – AMAZING.
Salmon works beautifully in our household as the retail portion sizes are easy to work with and there’s never any waste because it’s insanely delicious. You’d be hard-pressed to convince me of a more versatile protein source that’s suited to breakfast, lunch and dinner.
The new range of Regal Manuka Cold Smoked Salmon is available in 2 x 50g, 2 x 100g convenient twin packs and Regal Double Manuka Wood Roasted Salmon is available in a 200g pack.
Available from supermarkets nationwide.
Speight’s Summit Ultra Low Carb Lager RRP $21.99
Summer (and touch rugby season!) is almost here and that means it’s time for cold beer/s after a hot day and a great evening game. Sounds like bliss as I sit huddled under a nana-blanket at my desk lol. Each season it seems like everyone adopts a few more healthy habits than the one before. As such Speight’s is making it easy for beer lovers to cut carbs without sacrificing the flavour of a great lager. Summit Ultra Low Carb beer contains 75% fewer carbs than the average content of leading NZ beer. That’s a massive reduction – looks like I may have found my summer drop!
Because no one ever said “Get that man a kale smoothie”
Available in 12 packs.
Akarua Pinot Gris 2016 RRP $29
From the cool climate of Central Otago comes Akaroa’s 2016 Pinot Gris. A perfect match for lighter summer meals of fish, salads, veges and flavourful BBQ meats, this is a wine I’m really looking forward to enjoying this summer.
Described as having a bouquet of white peach, pear blossom and a hint of ginger with ripe pears, notes of nectarine and orange peel across the palette. Serve, share and enjoy!
Available at leading restaurants, selected supermarkets, Glengarry and other fine wine retailers nationwide.
Rockburn Stolen Kiss Rosé RRP $29.99
Speaking of Summer…….Hello Rosé and hello Rockburn’s limited edition Stolen Kiss Rosé! Released this week as we switched over to daylight saving, the story of grapes stolen from Rockburn’s highly awarded Pint Noir makes a delicious back-story to a wine that’s fast building a cult-like following here in New Zealand. Winemaker Malcolm Rees-Francis’ tasting notes describe “candy-floss and crème-brûlée aromas, leading into a flirtatious toffee-apple and simmering strawberry palate smeared with cherry lipgloss”. If that doesn’t wet your whistle for hot days and cold wine then I’m sorry, you’re dead to me!
Available in selected fine wine stores including Glengarry and online via www.rockburn.co.nz