Officially the longest short week ever, but it’s over! Life is feeling slightly more normal as we gave settled into a routine with Dave home again. Ethan and the dogs have calmed things down to a dull roar around the man of the house and the sun is shining!
You know without a doubt that despite weekend weather bombs {grrrr, the sideways rain just started}, Summer is definitely around the corner when touch season starts! We played our first game on Thursday night and had so much fun. Can’t wait until we get through the strategic grading rounds and we can go hard. Love it.
Loving another week of Friday deliveries! Hooray, our work courier seems to have his timing perfected. This box of goodness was not free darn it, but the shipping was; good on you Urban Outfitters, I love thee.
SO much loving the bounty of Swiss chocolate that Dave returned home with. Those Europeans are crazy about hazelnut I guess? I don’t mind though, I will soldier on and not be picky :::::bwahaha, I LOVE HAZLELNUT CHOCOLATE! I have decided there is actually no equal. Carry on :::::
Ahh Dave Jack. Loving having you home and just sitting and chatting and NOT face-timing – that just got weird after 6 weeks. We found that when one of you only has exciting, marvellous, beautiful things to talk about and the other only has mundane, run of the mill everyday stuff to talk about sometimes less is more – i.e. less video chat, more normal phone convos.
So much loving reconnecting with old friends this week. Ethan and Jesse haven’t hung out for a year but have known each other for 6 grand years i.e. Jess’s whole life! We had a fab day at the Reptile Park and can’t wait to go back. The boys got amongst some Big Foot spotting in the bush and perfected the art of ‘Squatch calls. Jess shouted E an ice-cream in Warkworth and the day was deemed a massive success!
This is what happens now Daddy is home. There are two people to mock me during Wardrobe Wednesday pics. Awesome.
This is my fave pic of the week. Loving that on the last day of the holidays, the sun was shining and Dave took his boy fishing. Let’s just be clear that Ethan was not fishing for sport, dinner, or weight record here, he just wanted to reel in any fish and release. They had a magic day x
Things I’m Loving is hosted by Meghan at MNM’s
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
Oct 14, 2012 3:01 pm
Nice to see you all back together again with happy snaps. xx
Oct 15, 2012 9:48 am
Yay, the linky must have finally worked for you. What a WONDERFUL post, I got such a happy smile on my face seeing you all back together again, and all the fun you managed to pack into this past week!!