
School Uniform Shopping – Win with Postie+

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Travel Blog Family School Uniform

There are sooo many expenses for families at this time of year; Christmas, school holidays, the plethora of summer ice creams and activities, chased by the Back to School series of shopping expeditions.  January can put a massive strain on the family finances.  Postie+ surveyed kiwi families to get a real feel for how they feel about the Back to School season, and the results speak volumes;

  • 88% of Kiwi families experience financial stress caused by buying uniforms at back to school time (35% experiencing ‘significant’ financial stress)
  • As a result, families are sacrificing basic necessities such as food, electricity, clothing and personal hygiene (22%) alongside entertainment (60%), gifts (22%) and personal luxuries like homewares and fashion clothing (70%)
  • 72% of parents find school uniforms too expensive and 53% of parents believe they are poor quality
  • Parents think they are paying more than double for school uniforms than what they are worth. The average cost of a child’s school uniform is $265, with parents ideally wanting to spend only $131
  • 69% of parents would like the option to purchase a generic uniform alternative

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Travel Blog Family School Uniform

Uniforms are one of the most non-negotiable and often expensive items we have to purchase for our kids each year, but this term, there’s some great news from Postie+ who have listened to their customers and come up with some amazing solutions to overpriced uniforms.

The launch of their new School+ range brings great value and a new option for New Zealand parents when shopping for schoolwear.  We’re talking 100% cotton polo shirts available in eight colours for just $3 – that’s crazy!

There’s also a handy 100-day quality guarantee and a UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) of 25 for those hot and sunny playground days. Shorts and skorts sit at an enviable $7 price point, with the skort boasting perfect pleats to significantly reduce parents’ ironing time – more good news!  

The range is available now in store and online here > School+

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Travel Blog Family School Uniform

Postie+ and their new range of School+ generic schoolwear are totally awesome and as such, they are going to hook one of you guys up with a $50 Postie+ voucher so you can check out the new uniform range for yourself!

To enter, just leave a comment below and tell me how much you’d normally spend on school uniforms.

Comp closes Friday 27/1/16 10am.  NZ residents only.

Just think of all the other things you’ll be able to spend your money on once you’ve saved heaps on uniforms at Postie+!

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Travel Blog Family School Uniform


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