It’s been a week at home and every day has been been hectic and busy but lovely and New Zealand-ish.
I am loving that this big fat travel folder is stuffed with a to-die for itineray of travel. Frankfurt, Rome, Milan, Barcelona, Lyon and Paris. Dave will be in Europe for a 39 day business trip and though we will miss him horribly, I hope he has the most amazing time and takes 10 million pictures just like I would!
What’s not to love about Friday nights with friends and fruit cocktails?
Ethan is all about Lego at the moment. Which is fine. But the single minded determination and focus that goes hand in hand with the building is wearing a little thin. Also the paddy’s of frustration totally suck. So I am LOVING that all Lego sets purchased on vacation are now built {and built they better stay because Daddy won’t be back on-site for repairs for 39 DAYS!}
Rugby is over for the season, our team played their last game on Saturday and after an epic battle with Marist finished with a draw which was well deserved on both sides. The boys had a friendly on Wednesday and as it was Ethan’s first game back, he led his team onto the field and captained for the match. I love this bunch of boys x.
Loving lazy Sunday sushi dates with Dave and E before we said goodbye.
Check these out! Loving what a wonderful volunteer made for the SPCA’s cupcake day fundraiser. So cute and yummy. Cupcake day is tomorrow – Monday the 27th so look out for a treat.
Things I’m Loving is hosted by Meghan at MNM’s
I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful for..no matter how simple it is.
Aug 28, 2012 5:22 am
Wow that is some trip….glad you could share some special moments before he goes. x
Aug 28, 2012 10:09 am
Cool list of loves this week 🙂 Fruit cocktails look yummo, as does the sushi and the cupcakes! Hope hubby has a safe journey and yes! takes lots of pictures!