


I feel like I have just ‘survived’ a  really hard week.  Friday afternoon I arrived at Ethan’s Rugby practice after a full day of lectures with no patience, no pep, no brain power and I could have fallen over at any minute I felt so sick.  I also knew I had to do it all over the next day as my contact course at Uni continued on Saturday.  But only after I cleaned the filthy Ethan, washed the filthy rugby clothes, prepared dinner and got the filthy Ethan [now clean hopefully] into bed and ensured his rugby kit was ready for the next morning.  Dave was at work of course so I was alone.  And did I mention it was Dave’s Birthday?

The whole week was one big, ridiculously busy mess with me getting some sort of mysterious sickness right smack-bang in the middle of it.

But.  I just had a moment, and it made me feel happy.  A little, weird, silly moment where I paused from the assignment I was working on, looked out of the office window into the lovely, big, fenced backyard which had just been freshly mowed NOT BY ME [the joy] and noticed fat raindrops speckling the laundry.  This made me happy because it is winter and two loads of laundry were almost dry on the line, and I was able to just look out of the window, into the peace of our strange little neighbourhood and appreciate something so small.  I could SAVE the laundry!

Anyway, a good and bad week is over, no-one has stolen anything from us this week and the All Blacks won last night and we were there to see it.

Have a great week!


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