Friday, 12th June 10pm: I’m in my bed, eating the hell out of a packet of Lindor Balls. I just got out of the shower. A long shower into which I took my trés classy bourbon-in-a-can and sat on the floor. I didn’t cry, but I could have. This week broke my baby. {If you’re a new reader, and not …
14 months Old|Hello Nixon 6 Weeks Post-Op
Same old, same old – how time flys – yadda yadda, but really? Six weeks? Thank you so much for all of your kind messages and concern it has meant so much to us! The good news is…………..Nixon is doing amazingly well! His little bowel that was obviously SO excited about being able to poop has calmed itself {thank god!} so …
Last night’s Hospital Dinner…..
Today is Thursday, which means we survived Wednesday night, the worst so far. Nixon’s pull-through operation (so named because they surgically pull healthy intestine down and rejoin everything after removing the diseased segment) went well, although it took 6 hours rather than the 3-4 that was expected! Stressy. Bubba’s bowel was in worse shape than his surgeon had anticipated, creating more …
So, hey……It’s Monday!
………………and we’re not at Starship, and Nix is not having his op today. Remember in my last post about poop {sorry about all the poop posts, it pretty much rules our lives at the moment!} I mentioned 2-5 massive bouts of diarrhea per day? Well, turns out that was courtesy of rotavirus, not a side affect of Bub’s large intestine …
Nixon and Hirschsprungs Disease | Where we’re at
We were in our GP’s office today, and as he turned his monitor around to show me some test results I saw the words in bold, accented in fluorescent yellow; HIRSCHSPRUNGS CONFIRMED. I already knew this of course. We ‘knew’ a month ago when the surgeon called and said “Nixon has Hirschsprungs Disease”. We knew last Monday after baby’s second …
WIDRN | One of us is sleeping!
So we are waiting to be discharged after our third day here at Starship. Yes, it is taking an age, but one of the lovely cleaners figured out that a breastfeeding mummy really needs an armchair in her room and she made it happen. Right away. Praise that women and her good sense! So, baby boy is napping hard out …