Boring-ass Stuff I have Bought that Works Perfectly & Reminds me How Old I am Getting

Fact:  I have been in bed since 8.30pm Fact:  I am eating hummus, with nothing, just my finger ::::::GASP:::::: Fact:  I have just finished reading the New Zealand Healthy Food Guide November Edition Fact:  I purchased The Jack Family’s First Freezer today Cumulative total of facts = I have definately hit the ground running into my thirties and it appears …


Our friends have heaps of earth-friendly tips for daily living so I built a blog to spread the word! Take a look;   Living Well Follow

Saving Power this Winter

We have been talking quite a lot to Ethan about the need to save power at ALL times, not just in times of energy shortages.  He has taken to the idea so well for someone so young and has become really responsible.  He now turns off the lights after leaving a room, turns off his heater as soon as he …