Ethan and I didn’t go out looking for an ugly cake to buy Dave for his birthday, but lo and behold we found one anyway. We were picking up some things for the birthday dinner and Ethan spotted Louie in cake form! Although he was missing his requisite orange sweater, the likeness is uncanny, and Ethan knew his daddy would be totally stoked on a chocolate log decorated to look like a chocolate dog (I think one of the bakers at Pak n Save might be one of the 3 readers of my blog!!).
So Dave requested a modest birthday dinner of chicken burgers, fries and ice cream. I aim to please, so instead of chicken patties as he was expecting I splashed out on $20 worth of chicken breast [ouch] and whipped up the following marinade
In a bowl combine hideously expensive chicken with
* the rest of the bottle of Worcestershire sauce
* splash of dark soy sauce
* garlic
* Italian herbs
* frsh ground black pepper
* splash of Mrs. Balls hot Chili Chutney
Ta Da! Cook each breast in a hot iron skillet, and serve as part of a build-your-own-burger buffet line. I had fresh kaiser rolls, homemade beetroot chutney, the standard sauces, avocado mash, bacon, brie, cheddar, tomatoes and lettuce, coleslaw and potato wedges. So good, I could barely waddle around the kitchen to serve the desert dog!
Happy birthday Dave, we love you so much xxxx
Aug 7, 2009 3:13 pm
ahhh, the memories of mrs balls on my tongue……why is all the good food in nz? love the cake, thought it was something you had specially made for dave.
Aug 8, 2009 2:58 pm
My mouth is salivating for that…mmmmm mmmmm!