
The Best Nest goes to Rarotonga!

Mummy Blog new Zealand


Kia orana!
I’m sitting on a plane, heading off to our family holiday in Rarotonga right now, approx 3 hrs into our flight and my second glass of bubbly is finally starting to take the edge off.
In typical Jack fashion, I feel like all prep for this vacation has been totally last minute and fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants.
That is not to say it was a spur of the moment trip. 

All week people have been saying, ‘omg, you’re SO lucky!’, as if we won a prize or something.  The truth is, we have been saving for this holiday for well over a year.  Last winter we decided that 2015 would be different.  We would be among those who escape winter for some tropical sun.  I determined what we could afford to save weekly and we put it away in a separate bank account.  Dave needed a new car a couple of months ago and instead of going over budget (which would have affected our savings plan) we only purchased what we could pay cash for.  Hence he’s driving a small nana-style hatchback lol.  Goals baby.
I have no idea if I have packed everything we need, taking 2 kids to the islands for 12 days is daunting and Dave and I’ve been running on 5 hours sleep each night for a couple of weeks so lord knows what made it into our many bags lol.
I do know that both boys have been amazing so far and this holiday is all about making memories with them.  I’m so grateful to Dave for working so hard to make this happen and letting me squirrel away the money as it comes in – I’m the master of compartmental budgeting lol.
I’ve got some super cool partnerships lined up with tourism operators in Rarotonga so I’ll be blogging about the very best family-friendly experiences the Cook Islands have to offer, so please follow along here or on Instagram to see what we’re getting up to xx

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  1. Aug 30, 2015 12:52 pm

    Aaaaaaarrrggghhhh! SO COOL! I’m loving all your photos on instagram and facebook!

  2. Aug 30, 2015 6:30 pm

    You lucky things – teehee. Enjoy yourselves, I’ve been told wonderful things about the Cook Islands; looking forward to reading about your experiences.

  3. Sep 1, 2015 10:26 pm

    Have a wonderful time! Saving up and then living it up is how we roll too so GO you guys! x