
The Lipstick Project + Karen Murrell

Karen Murrell Lipstick Beauty Blogger New Zealand

While many teenage girls were excited about makeup and waged battles with their parents about the appropriateness of their blue eyeshadow, I was entirely disinterested and more than likely at the beach surfing.  When I was heading out for the night my entire routine consisted of a quick application of Natural Glow {I am deadly serious btw} and some good old Maybelline Great Lash Mascara.  That.  Was.  It.  The sum total of my makeup prowess for years………and years.

Time and age have caught up with me and I’ve set myself a little goal this year, to take care of my skin with some great products and to get this makeup disaster under control before 36 turns into 40!  With the help of my wonderful Facebook community we quickly sorted the mascara situation.  A product showdown between Benefit They’re Real and Eye of Horus saw the EOH Goddess Mascara as my new lash fave.  Time to turn my attention elsewhere.

I am a lipstick virgin.  

It’s true.  I will do full face makeup {as best I know how!} and leave my lips completely bare.  I have never fallen in love with a shade, never lusted after those addictive little tubes of colour………but then that whole red lipstick thing happened a couple of years ago and a statement lip seemed to be something I might be able to get on board with.  Sadly, no lipstick wearing eventuated as just the thought of heading in-store and trying to pick ONE colour to fall in love with and feel confident and comfortable wearing was enough to send me running back to my Chapstick.

Until now.

Thanks to Karen Murrell Natural Lipsticks I am about to undergo a pretty outrageous form of therapy.  I’m not sure it’s ever been attempted before but beginning today, I am undergoing Full Lipstick Immersion.  Lipstick all day, every day for 7 days.  Now, for those of you unfamiliar with my daily routine {how can this be?  Twitter?  IG?  FB?  Do you not follow?}, I am a stay at home Mum.  I have a toddler and a 10 year old.  I do not live the glamorous lifestyle ya’ll.  So be prepared for lipstick whilst lawnmowing, lipstick whilst at rugby training, lipstick whilst cleaning off the porridge that’s stuck to the dining table……….  If I’m there, some gorgeous shade of cruelty free lipstick will be right there with me.

I’d love you to follow along this week on Instagram (@thebestnest) as I bumble along and hopefully get my grown-up pout rocking, even if I am a little late to the party lol.

If you fall in love with any of the shades I wear, head over to www.karenmurrell.com where you can shop onine or browse for a stockist in your region. 

Karen Murrell Lipstick Beauty Blogger New Zealand

*Product was provided for editorial consideration, all opinions are genuine and my own.

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  1. Apr 24, 2015 11:06 am

    I found lipstick scary for years, especially bright ones, but I eased into it and now I love it. Looking forward to seeing how this project goes for you. Karen Murrell lipsticks are so beautiful.

    • Apr 24, 2015 6:46 pm


      Thanks Lena! Any tips to getting it to stay on longer?

      • Apr 25, 2015 11:12 pm


        Not really unfortunately, it tends to be just down to the formula of the lipstick and what you're eating or drinking.

  2. Apr 24, 2015 4:28 pm

    You are like my make up twin. Mascara only for going out haha. I am following with much interest!

    • Apr 24, 2015 6:51 pm


      You know what? A friend once said to me, never leave the house without mascara at least and I've taken that to heart!