
The long way home


Our drive back home from Whatawhiwhi took us 13hrs, but we had a great day.  Ethan was so tired he fell asleep in the car – which he never does!

First stop, the awesome Coopers Beach.  We had only been driving 35 minutes but we already missed the beach!

 JAN 818 JAN 820 JAN 821 JAN 829 JAN 831

Next we stopped in Kaeo for lunch and then headed to inner Northland for a quick visit with Aunty Florie and Uncle Stuart in Okaihau. Pics below are from Opononi – check out the huge sand dunes in the distance;

JAN 833 JAN 835 JAN 837 JAN 840 JAN 843

JAN 845

This is one of my most favourite pics ever!

JAN 848 JAN 850 JAN 861 JAN 862 JAN 872 JAN 878 JAN 882 JAN 883 JAN 892 JAN 894 JAN 895 JAN 897 JAN 902 JAN 903 JAN 906 JAN 908 JAN 911 JAN 915 JAN 918

The giant kauri forest was amazing, it was so worth the stop.  The size of these trees just blows your mind, you try and spot them before you get to them but the forest is so dense they just appear right in front of you.

Map picture
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