
The Toddler Trimester

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Toddler Trimester

New Zealand's Top Mummy Blogger Parenting Toddler Trimester

The 4th trimester is becoming a more common talking point and something that new mums are increasingly being made aware of.  Newborns and their mothers do not pop out of the birthing suite ready for lattes, playgroups and power walks with the Mountain Buggy – shock horror!

However, there is a more sinister/dangerous/sleep depriving menace out there, one that catches Mum’s and Dad’s by surprise as they are high-fiving themselves on making it out of the ‘Baby Phase’ intact.

There are no public service announcements circulating around the threat of the Toddler Trimester and it’s time to ramp up public awareness of this devastating phenomena.

The hard truth is; I’m more tired, scratch that, EXHAUSTED, than I was at any point during the aforementioned 4th trimester.  Nixon doesn’t nap during the day anymore, Nixon likes to wake during the night (when he previously slept through), Nixon likes to wake up early – sometimes as early as 4.30am, never later than 6 though.  6 is a luxurious sleep in Dave and I cross our fingers for each night.

 Compounding this, is my own hectic work schedule which relies on me burning the midnight oil pretty much 7 days a week.

I look like hell.

I’m writing this on a flight to Sydney for a quick work trip and instead of hitting the shops, the eateries and sights as I would normally do, all I can think of is check in time when I can smash out a massive nana nap.

What in the fuck has happened to me?

It’s a little nightmare I like to call The Toddler Trimester.  The frenetic pace of life with Nixon and it’s accompanying sleep deprivation has seen me knock back a V, large flat white and a shitty airplane coffee all before 10.37am.

The caffeine comedown is going to be rough today but I’d rather not fall in front of a train because I’ve nodded off upon arrival at my station in Sydney.

Thanking god for my Nespresso machine at home, Spotify to keep me awake with extra-loud Nirvana and Millencollin so I can work on the plane and my MacBook so I can knock out Dave’s GST whilst flying as lord knows there are no other hours in the day to get it done.  I’m struggling at the moment guys.  I’ve never been so tired in my life!

Fast forward 36 hours and I’m back in the airport soon to board my plane home.  I soldiered on yesterday (I love Sydney and there was shopping to do in the few hours I had to do it!).  I desperately wanted to take a nap but figured an early night would have to do.  So, despite staying in the most amazing Sydney location – The Rocks – I didn’t sip wine on the waterfront and dine at one of the fab restaurants I saw.  I got take-out noodles, used my 2-for-1 drink vouchers at the hotel and went to bed watching The Voice.

Turns out that’s pretty much what the other bloggers attending the Netflix event did too!  Mum-life right?

So, I’d love any tips you guys have for curtailing the increasing exhaustion that working and Mumming often result in.  Obviously MORE sleep and prioritising rest but that’s soooo hard, why??


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