Christmas Dashy

Things I’m Loving

Share the joy

I am SO very much loving the last few days. Christmas was lovely but post-Christmas relaxing is even better. The weather has been undeniable rotten, but I think the incessant drizzle has helped us keep the pace s l o w.

Christmas Dinner

Mum has of course hosted Christmas dinner before but it was the first time for Dave and I. 35 of our family rolled up and it was awesome! We had over-catered (of course) but the leftovers are amaze, the rain held off and we now know that our house can handle a big crowd with ease. Having a large family has always made Christmas fun and Ethan rates seeing his out-of-town cousins as the best thing about Christmas. I love that.

Christmas Dashy

The four dogs coped well with the Christmas influx, luckily we have some very dog-friendly rellies who were always up for a cuddle with dodgy Dash and managed to prevent his anxiety from getting the better of him.

Summer Stripes & cottons at Country Road

Loving soft cottons and summer prints from Country Road. Their sale is brilliant btw.

Star Wars Lego

Oh Star Wars Lego. You are everywhere. You haven’t made it under my feet yet, but I’m going to want the coffee table back at some point in the near future. Loving your games Ethan, play on.


I LOVE Dahlias. This is our first year growing them and they have gone bonkers, dinner plate sized blooms on each plant.

Home grown tomatoes

Finally loving that my tomatoes have also gone buck-wild this summer and the first of our crop are just about ready for picking.

Have a great holiday week everyone!

