Loving little boys doing just what little boys should do: playing in the grass with el cheapo snakes and being 100% contented by it.
Loving Matakana Market fresh ciabatta with my homemade Tomato Chutney and big wedges of cheese. Pregnancy carb eating rules!
Oh long, hot, DRY summer. My bank account and our water tank despises you but you are awfully pretty.
Loving splashing out on a key for the school pool this summer << see what I did there?
So much loving that Dave had a blast in Wellington last weekend at the Van’s Bowlarama event, 48 hrs of skateboarding and guy time does a man some good I say!
Lazy Sunday baby showers with friends from w a y back are perfection. Eeek, I’ll be having one of those in a couple of months!
Finally, loving that as of last weekend I was still able to paint my toes, not my best work but they’re not nakey. Will have to train Dave or Ethan in the art of nails as there is definitely no room in the budget for salon visits at the moment. February, you have sucked the $$$ right out of us.
Feb 22, 2013 11:40 pm
Love that this post is all photos 🙂
That ciabatta looks amazing!! Hope you are well xxx
Feb 23, 2013 12:29 am
That ciabatta looks awesome, I'm hungry now! Visiting from MNM's
Feb 23, 2013 3:51 am
Yum! Ciabatta! I love having painted toes. If everything else needs, plucking, brushing, moisterising and waxing – if my toes are painted, I'm happy. x
Feb 23, 2013 7:43 am
OMG drooling over the ciabatta! Love the 'almost' bomb in the water. And yes, not a great summer for anyone reliant on water tanks but oh my hasn't she been a stunner!!! I don't want it to end 🙂
Feb 23, 2013 7:49 am
I love the way boys play – it's so cool!
Feb 23, 2013 2:37 pm
We are having a long dry summer too….hope you stay comfortable and manage to train those boys up for your nail painting. xxx