Loving finding the rug for our nursery on clearance for $69!!!! I just about died. It’s not the pattern I envisioned but the colours are perfect.
My brother and his wife gave our Poppa the biggest box of chocolates we had ever seen for his birthday. Loved seeing him poring over the selection!
Cream doughnuts have been sneaking into my thoughts daily lately, so when I left my lunch at home today I went to the bakery and after a sandwich treated myself to this splendid specimen. It was perfection; real cream, crispy doughnut batter and real jam. There was even grease on the bag! Love.
So much loving Friday goodies! I was the lucky recipient of a Facebook prize from The Body Shop, the divine New Satsuma / Clementine Eau de Toilette, this is the kind of fragrance that makes you want to lick it {no joke}, I also spied one lone copy of Frankie in the dairy near work so scooped it up for a little weekend treat!
This week has been a lovely week with E. He has been a treasure, no fussing, fighting, doing chores willingly and performing so well at school. He was unable to hang onto his 3 year perfect record of winning every event at Swimming Sports, as he was struck down by a terrible bout of man-flu that has besieged our house over the last fortnight. He swam his heart out however with excellent results despite being under the weather. Love him.
Mar 9, 2013 10:12 am
Oh stop it with the close ups of the doughnuts – it doesn't matter that I'm about to go to bed, I'd still smash one! Great work E on all those awesome certificates despite not feeling 100! And I have NEVER seen a box of chocs that big either…impressive!
Mar 9, 2013 10:14 am
Gah think I accidentally deleted my last comment so I'll try again…..
Oh stop it with the close ups of the doughnuts – I could smash one right now (even though I'm about to go to be). Well done E on all those certificates – a great effort when he wasn't feeling 100%. And what an impressive box of chocs – I have NEVER seen one that big! Happy weekend love xx