Christmas always seems to pass in the blink of an eye for me and this year has proved no exception. Ethan’s birthday is at the end of November and we seem to focus on that a lot then get blindsided with HOLYSMOKESTHERESONLY3WEEKSTILCHRISTMAS!!! But, I was pretty organised this year, being at home with Nixon left me lots of time to get my online shopping done and avoid the mall-crazy for the most part. I do love Christmas, we had a brilliant, relaxed day at home with our immediate family and it was just right. Nix was a darling who enjoyed the wrapping paper immensely and Ethan was grateful and gracious all day. Win!
But {let’s be honest}, I did ask Dave and E if we could ‘pack Christmas away’ this morning. I would love to get those big plastic storage boxes up high in the garage for another year but my request was overruled by the guys – Ethan response probably motivated by laziness, Dave’s by tradition {“you have to keep your tree up until New Year!”}.
Anywho, I’ve just finished my box of Scorched Almonds so lets get cracking shall we?
I love this photo of Dave and I. We were setting up for our family Christmas picture {which you can see on here on FB} and snapped some test shots first – the camera was on the lawn on a rung of the ladder but it worked perfectly! Dave is the most kick-ass gift giver ever and completely spoiled me rotten this year. I take care of the shopping for everyone else because it takes him multiple excursions to get everything on his list for me! Yes, I’m a very lucky girl. We celebrated our 9 year wedding anniversary two days before Christmas so there have been lots of happy celebrations around here lately.
It’s quite hard to go for a walk with Nix and the dogs when he is in the buggy as I just don’t have enough hands to hold on to the stroller and the leashes. The Ergo works well and is comfy for me, but he doesn’t love it, I had to switch to the front position half way around the neighbourhood. I love this selfie of us as he looks itty-bitty, hiding back there!
I went to bed early-ish last night with the May/June issue of Frankie I purchased to read in hospital when Nix was born and had yet to read! The centrefold was this delicious print that I whipped out and stuck in the toilet with some washi tape that Dave found for me in Japan. Love the colours – so me!
All the toys in the world and homeboy loves the gold ribbon.
Our Christmas table was perfect! Laden with turkey, ham, pork and all of the trimmings plus traditional Polish pierogi made by my sister-in-law! So yummy, best Christmas day ever for me x
My big boy and my Christmas baby. We told Ethan that he was going to be a big brother on Christmas Eve last year, so it was kinda special having Nixon here to love on and marvel over – he’s almost 6 months old!!!!!
Joining in with Meghan for Things I’m Loving
Dec 28, 2013 1:10 pm
Looks like a lovely relaxing time 🙂 Love that last picture – very special. Enjoy the rest of the break x
Dec 29, 2013 7:05 pm
Gorgeous pics! Looks like a really wonderful time you are all having over the festive season. All they very best for a wonderful NY 🙂
Dec 29, 2013 8:01 pm
Inbetween blog reading I am currently packing away Christmas .. .. ..
Bring on 2014!
Love that top shot of you both xxx
Dec 30, 2013 12:14 pm
I love your pics in this post – they really make me feel as if I lived Christmas with you all – made all the more special for having that gorgeous addition to the family this year xx