
Things I’m Loving: Bloggers & Georgie Pie


Two of my favourite things came together yesterday in an unplanned symphony of awesomeness!  I had allowed myself Friday off work as I attempt to wind things up (and use a couple of leave days here and there before maternity leave kicks in!).  This enabled me to finally enjoy morning tea with some other Auckland bloggers at The Parenting Place Cafe in Greenlane.  Working 5 days rarely allows for such social engagements, so the occasion really gave me a sense  of the ‘big’ change that is coming soon {{{SOON HIPPO, SOON!}}}.

I crocheted, enjoyed a spirulina and a to-die for plum and white chocolate brioche.  That pastry alone was worth the rush hour commute of 1 hour!!!  It was such a great, relaxed morning, catching up with some of the ladies that I had met briefly in Christchurch as well as meeting some new faces.  Loved it.

And then it was lunch time.  And I just happened to be parked in the HUGE Greenlane McDonald’s parking lot.  The stars were aligned, somehow I managed to drive home with this hot little beauty untouched in the seat next to me.


The resurrection of Georgie Pie’s classic Steak and Cheese is nostalgia in a paper bag.  Yes, it’s over-priced at $4.50 but I figure that’s a pretty small price to pay for such a picture-perfect walk down memory lane.  I enjoyed every second of this pie; the familiar paper bag, the slightly over-browned pastry, the rare glimmer of ‘steak’, the liquid cheese………it was amaze.  Have you back-tracked 15 years and sampled one yourself?  Are you going to?

The whole day was a red-letter day in fact.  Next Friday I’ll be a free-agent, finishing paid employment in expectant anticipation of a much-smaller and cuter boss.  I.  Can’t.  Wait.

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  1. Jun 16, 2013 4:06 pm

    Was great seeing you! the pie looks gooood 🙂

  2. Jun 16, 2013 5:18 pm

    haha! joel had one on the weekend too, i was never a fan but had a bite? considering you let it sit in the car all that time before you ate it meant you didn't burnt your tongue right? cos damn they are hot!

    • Jun 16, 2013 5:37 pm


      Safety first – always blow on the pie!

  3. Jun 16, 2013 7:59 pm

    Aw I'm so jealous – I have such fond memories – I'm not sure they are coming to Wellington – glad it lived up to expectations. I also love the series of shots you took showing the progression of the pie being eaten – very cool! 🙂

  4. Jun 16, 2013 10:11 pm

    was lovely to meet you!! I have so far resisted the georgie pie!

  5. Jun 17, 2013 9:53 am

    Oh sorry I didn't make it to see you before bubs arrives. I had a Georgie Pie too recently – LOVED IT also. xxx and good luck for the next few weeks.