Toddler Swimming Lessons | The Great Equaliser
In true second child fashion, Nixon began swimming lessons last week at the ‘advanced’ age of 19 months. Ethan on the other hand, had his swimming debut at 3 months and has never stopped – 10 years of swimming $!$
Dave and I were in complete agreement that the need was not there to subject ourselves Nix to hours upon hours of singing nursery rhymes in the pool while spinning him around like a motorboat. Child loves the water and has had plenty of swims over his two summers in pools and at the beach, so we decided to wait a bit until he could actually comprehend swimming instruction and potentially benefit from it.
Unfortunately our weekly swimming lesson seems to be the thorn in my schedules side. I can’t seem to remember the damn date/time. We completely missed the first lesson, I was at the library, chatting away to another mum about how our lessons were beginning the following day, only to get home, check the calendar and find that I should have been in the pool that morning instead of talking about the pool. Monday was my chance to redeem myself – I was prepared for the 10.30 lesson, I was packed and ready to go {apart from being actually in my togs, dressed and with my teeth brushed}. I was almost ready to go!
Then I walked by the damn calendar and 10am leapt out at me like a cattle prod. 10am!!! It was already 9.40 and…..see above…..
I think I may have been trying to sabotage swimming as the make-up lesson graciously offered to me for being so ditzy the week before was a freaking nightmare. A terrible, toddler nightmare.
Dave was working from home so decided to come and ‘work’ via the pool. We thought it would be a great idea for him to take Nixie swimming as you never know when he may be able to attend again right? Such a bad idea. Nixon dominated the whole lesson, bossing, yelling, screaming NO NO NO. You would think he didn’t enjoy it – truth was he was having a great time, as long as he could do what he wanted to do. Baby boy had zero tolerance for listening to instructions, no time whatsoever for doing what the other bubs were doing and certainly no interest in co-operating with his Dad. It was almost embarrassing. There, I said it. My son’s volume goes up to 13 and he DEMANDS attention. The only time he stopped yelling at everyone was when he and Dave would ‘swim’ past the seating area when he would raise up a little arm and wave at the spectators with a huge smile on his dictator-like-angel-face. We left without even getting changed and simply popped a dry nappy on Nix in the car.
I was so scared of a repeat performance.
Luckily we arrived with minutes to spare and Nix was on his best behaviour. We only had one incident where he climbed out of the pool and ran away from me, laughing of course! This was the moment I realised that when you are in a pool filled with numerous small people and their parents {and who knows what volume of wee mixed with chlorine} you are all equals. There is no time to visually measure yourself up against the other Mums, to check out mani-pedis and the brand of swimwear each other is wearing – my nana-esque tankini is from Shanton if you were wondering. There is nary an ounce of grace and beauty to be found in my being whilst I am in the pool with Nixon for his swim lesson. It feels like helping a blindfolded baby hippo/octopus navigate through Farmers when all of the pensioners are shopping on cardholder day. Excruciating in other words.
As I was hoisting myself out of the pool after my naughty boy, I caught a glimpse of another mummy blogger waving at me from the seats. Of all the times in my life to bump into one of the most put-together, 10/10 babein mamas it would be on the day I was running super late, ergo I look like shit, I’m in my togs in public – FML – and I’m wrestling with Nixon. Too good I tell you, but you know what? None of it mattered. My little guy had so much fun in the pool which was a huge relief and I loved the feeling of his little hands gripping me tight around the neck when we did exercises he wasn’t quite sure of, I loved the joy on his face when it was time to jump off the edge of the pool and how it felt to catch him and pull him close. I loved the whole damn, wet half hour and I’m kinda looking forward to next Monday to do it all over again.
God, this parenting gig never ceases to amaze.
This post is so well written, haha I was literally giggling the whole way through!!! x
I think naturally, crildhen love to play with water, not just water in the swimming pool but also water from the tap! E.g., my son will insist on helping me to wash the plates and after watching him wash, I can tell he actually wants to play with water, it’s not really about the washing! Also when he takes bath, he likes to play with water by having his toys in the bathroom pouring here, pouring there! Kids are just kids! P/S: Love your photos because the moments’ are well-captured!
Such precious kids! Where is this place?Also, one of my ransoes for loving the pool is that I’d like to imagine myself as Ariel, a cartoon character from Disney’s The Little Mermaid.Other than that, my parents swim, so I’ve been in the pool ever since I was a baby and had swimming classes throughout primary school. I’m 21 and I still love the water! Just wished I have time to go for a swim every once in a while. xxNano