
We have four dogs | Meet Louie




Oh Louie.

We did everything wrong when we took Louie into our home.  We paid mega bucks for him from a cracked out women who was puppy-milling his parents and not taking care of his siblings {all of her dogs were later removed by the SPCA} but we loved him as soon as we saw him.  We even loved his buck teeth.

Lou was thrown straight into the ring of fire – living with Ethan as a toddler – he never snapped, growled or bit him, though he did spend quite a lot of time hiding in the garden initially.  He is a Special Edition Shi-Tzu x Australian Terrier in that he is huge, 11kg worth of small breed who is so pretty people stop us walking him all the time to ask about his breed.  Lou is besties with his girl Molly, and loves stealing the toys from Dashy and Marley {see above with Marley’s Christmas present}.

Louie and the various mixed breeds like him make awesome indoor/outdoor pets as they don’t shed, not one smidgen, they also love their walks, hate water and like to wear sweaters. Win!

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