I have loved wearing this outfit today; slouchy, comfy, casual but perfect for the office.
Wool Plaid Skirt: Max (thrifted)
Levis Denim Shirt: Trade Me $6 (BEST purchase ever…..after my antlers of course)
Braided Coral Belt: Macy’s
Gold crystal ring & earrings: Urban Outfitters
Brogues: Number 1 Shoes
Leather sharks tooth bracelets: Takapuna markets
Silver cuff: Gifted

Sep 12, 2012 11:08 pm
Yay – so glad you could join us. I love the layering and the contrast in the fabrics and textures you have used!
Nov 13, 2015 8:09 am
Why on earth would I have street signs on my lunch box??? David Cassidy would have made me happy . The Partridge Family lunch box is awseome!! Thank you Kevin for getting that for me .. Street Signs??? Really Mom ???? I’M A GIRL !!!!!!! David Cassidy/Keith Partridge was dreamy!!! Come on !!!!