
Where oh where is my life?


I have been sucked into the Bush vacuum for the last 3.5 weeks and it is so weird.  I feel like I have been forced to take a vacation from my life but in my own house.  There are strange things afoot, like the pile of paper recycling consisting of mainly Lion Red boxes that is residing in the dining room (I don’t drink beer FYI) , the unmade beds, the mountain of laundry piled into the laundry cupboard, the lack of cooking I have been doing (Bush eats only what she affectionately calls ‘Jail Food’ ie mac ‘n cheese, pies, cheese, bread, potatoes, cheese, ham), these are all symptoms that something is seriously WRONG with Melissa.  There are glimpses of my old self, so I  know all is not lost.  Whenever Bush leaves I franticallyclean, apart from right now as I am frantically and carthartically typing – it feels like I am writing an SOS to be honest! 

So, combine the Bush visit with starting my job, massive sinus and chest infection + flu, kindy holidays for Ethan and a law paper that was due on Monday and the last 3.5 weeks have been a massive blur of ‘we need clean clothes’ vs. ‘everything Bush’.

Right now it is quiet, Bush has gone surfing, Ethan is fixing stuff with Ivan, the dogs have finally quit barking at the cows and the cows have finally quit mooing at the dogs.  I am alone with my Coke Zero and Google Reader and am sadly realising that my best friend will be flying back to San Diego tomorrow and I will miss her.

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